Tuesday, January 3, 2012

mis propositos de 2012 y mi 2011...un repaso

2011 was an interesting year, needless to say. It had its ups, its downs, but overall, I have to look at it and say that I came through the rain and am dealing better with life than I was a year ago at this time.

Last year, I said maybe 2011 would be the year that changes everything. It wasn't quite that, but a lot of things did change.

I made good on my goals of joining the gym, finding a decent job (although it's not in Barcelona or Valencia, and grad school still looms on the horizon). Social anxiety (fobia social) is mending slowly but surely. Not entirely over anxiety and depression, but they're also on the mend. I made it to the remaining comunidades autonomas that I hadn't been to. I am conversational in "catalavalenciano". Most importantly, I picked myself up after the disaster that was 2010.

Before I look at the future, I want to look at the past, the year that was 2011.

January started out returning to Valencia after an emotional breakdown in Bilbao. January was quite horrible since the Comunitat Valenciana was unable to pay me whilst certain presidentes de la Comunitat and "closeted" lesbian mayors were galavanting in Italia in New Suits. I went to Peñíscola with the school.

31 January, I joined the gym. A week later, 7 February, I tried Body Combat for the first time and was immediately hooked. These two decisions changed my life. Although sometimes I overdo it STILL at the gym nearly a year later, for the most part it has given me more confidence and boosted the self-esteem.

Vacations/Holidays. Daytrip to Teruel and Segorbe when I missed the bus back to Valencia. Barcelona first weekend in March, last weekend in May and last weekend in December. Madrid, Murcia and Alicante/Calpe for Semana Santa (where I had another breakdown in Madrid, grrr), daytrips to Xátiva, Cullera and Morella. Month in Jerez de la Frontera. Move back to Madrid, trips to León/Asturias, Almería/Granada, back "home" to Valencia and Girona/Barcelona.

I applied and was admitted to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to do a máster de "llengua espanyola" (I mean, a master in Spanish is only good if the title is in catalán, right?). I didn't have the 500€ when needed, didn't get the scholarship, got a call from a place in Madrid, had to take it. Valencia continually screwed me over with visa issues, and I was technically illegal from 1 June until 4 November. I am still waiting for my letter to come so I can pick up my official card so I don't have to have bazillions of copies of paperwork 24/7.

Writing wise...not where I want to be, but 2012 is going to change that. Less time on Facebook and Twitter, more time on Livejournal and writing.

Then there were two television shows (and a returning one) that dominated my entertainment. How I Met Your Mother in February/March, Buffy in June and August-November, and my beloved True Blood from June-September.

What does 2012 have in store for me? That remains to be seen, but seeing that we survive the Zombie Apopcalpyse on 21, here are the goals I would like to be discussing that I have accomplished next year in this entry.

1. Not hear Beyonce for the entire year (and continue without having heard Justin Beiber, ever.) Beyonce causes panic attacks and/or depressive states. It is best not to be exposed to her music. Also, I would like to note that perhaps the Maya prediction is more about her giving birth in 2012. End of the world? We'll see!

2. Find a boyfriend. I still have issues that I'm working on, but who doesn't? I want to meet someone to settle down with. I also want to expand my social circle, go out more, spend less time on the internet.

3. Come out to my mother. Every year, I'm more and more okay with being gay. I think last year was when I finally truly accepted myself as gay and started to love myself as a gay man. It only took 29 years. Now, especially if #2 happens, I don't want to have to hide this aspect to myself.

4. Eat healthy. Again, say this every year. I want to give up Starbucks (I'm here right now), re-give up soda/pop/fizzy drinks/etc like I did from Feb 2006-Sept 2008 and again from Feb 2011-July 2011. I hope to maintain 68 kg/150 pounds throughout the year and add a bit of muscle tone.

5. Read Don Quijote in Spanish and do more time reading.

6. Read the Bible every day. I am no longer sure I believe in God. However, I'd rather have the hope that comes from believing and be wrong. Like Fox Mulder says, I want to believe. I like attempting the Read the Bible in a Year. I more or less accomplished it last year, but from July-December it was more like skim 3 weeks at a time. We'll see how this year goes on the Chronological plan.

7. Get my first novel published and finish my third novel. I also want to do the research and get well into my second novel (the alternate history of Spain.) I vow to write an hour a day. Not sure where I'll find the time for this.

8. Do more hiking. This will prepare me for the major goal of the year....

9. CAMINO DE SANTIAGO. July. I need to do research into this. I want to walk from San Sebastian to Bilbao, and then the last 100 kilometres to Santiago. I also want to go to Finesterra, or however it's spelled. (Gallego sadly lacks me.)

10. Snowboard. Again, every year. Still yet to try it.

11. Go to Greece, Morocco, Ireland and/or Italia.

12. Get back into films and music. Did 2011 even have any music outside Lady Gaga and Rolling in the Deep? Any films outside Scream 4, La piel que habito and Pa negre?

Here's hoping 2012 takes 2011, a "not too shabby" year, and improves upon it.