Saturday, March 17, 2012

mi trabajo

What is it I do exactly? I teach English at a private school in a suburb of Madrid. I teach from 3 year olds to 17 year olds (and I prefer working with teens, as I am still very much a teen at heart). The teens also are more likely to entertain me with their English, and they are less trying on my patience. To primary children, I teach Science, which I really know nothing about. Since Science in English only gives the general outlook and it's their Science in Spanish classes that give them the details, I'm okay with that. I just don't feel as motivated or driven to work with this age as I do with the teens.

How is my day? I wake up at 6.15 to check email, eat my Muesli that I'm addicted to, do some pushups and situps if I'm awake enough to do it, shower, leave at 7.15, have coffee, catch a metro and then bus to begin work at 9.

My school goes from 9-5, with a half hour "recreo" at 11, and a 2-hour lunch break/siesta from 13.15-15.15. While I am considered to only be working 28 hours a week, it is a full 40 hour week, trust me.

Monday is Body Combat day at the gym. If I can make it home before 6 to make it to Body Combat on Friday, I'm happy, but it's a rare day that happens. Wednesday and Friday I go to the gym to lift weights, as to find a boyfriend in Madrid, you must have the body of Cristiano Ronaldo (who to me is one of the fugliest men on the planet due to his damn personality) to even make friends if you're gay.

My body remains far from that.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, I go to catalán, trying to build my CV for a future one day in Barcelona.

I am pretty much burnt out.

I have accepted the renewal to return next year, but in a few weeks, I'm going to receive a job offer to work in Catalunya, possibly Barcelona, which is my dream. However, this job, while it will be working with only secondary school, will come with a paycut down to 700€. Which is not that liveable for even pueblo Catalunya, as it is second to only País vasco in terms of richest parts of Spain. (Funny how it's the two richest parts of Spain that want to be independent. They will never be independent as without them, as Spain needs them economically.)

There are pros and cons to each. I wouldn't be as stressed, and I could possibly work on my master. However, I don't see me having money for my master this year. I also wouldn't be able to travel, which we all know is something that I love to do.

I also think honestly, I'm not going to find a boyfriend in Madrid. My personality meshes well with valencianos and Spanish from the north of Spain...but these personality types do not work well in Madrid. And yet madrileños say that it's the people in the north who are cold and people of the south that are falso when the vast majority of madrileños are BOTH :) I digress.

I have a huge decision on my shoulders, and I'm not sure what to do.

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