Saturday, December 12, 2009

mi 28th cumple

Series 28 of starts today, and we at Semana Entertainment, the fake Spanish Entertainment Weekly which publishes things like Brightside nominations, Brightside awards, and Felicity Huffman pulling herself out of the nominations because Desperate Housewives currently sucks so hard it's blowing at the same time this year, recently set down with the headwriter to discuss the 27th season and what we have to look forward to in the 28th installment.

SE: So lots of good and quite a bit of the bad this year. Let's focus on the good.
HW: Brilliant idea.

SE: So Series 27 brought us a few life goals and dreams completed. We saw Pablo sojourn to Italia and Portugal, he saw the bridge in Vigo that is the desktop background of his mother's PC for some unknown reason, he saw Alex Ubago in concert and finally saw a concert in Spain. And...he's now living in Madrid.
HW: Yes, yes he is.

SE: But're worse than the produces of Will and Grace. Every season, you say you're going to cast a boyfriend, but we have yet to see one.
HW: Well, we want to make sure we cast a good one.

SE: Are there no good guys in Madrid?
HW: Um. We're seeing, we're seeing.

SE: Right.
HW: No, really. We just need to do more casting calls. There are a lot of gilipollas in the world, especially in Madrid.

SE: Fine. But let's hope the casting is sooner rather than later. What about the depression and anxiety?
HW: We hope to have that taken care of soon.

SE: Any fun trips?
HW: We're hoping for Greece for Semana Santa, and Morocco in June. Plus, we will continue our attempt to hit all 16 autonomous communities.

SE: I thought there were 17...
HW: Well, Catalunya isn't really Spain now, is it?

SE: Will that joke get old in series 28?
HW: Probably not, mate.

SE: Any other spoilers?
HW: Pablo might have a job for more than eight months! He's going to renew with this one for next year.

SE: Wow, stranger things have happened. Thanks for your time.
HW: Thanks for tuning it.

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