Wednesday, December 14, 2011

mi cumpleaños numero 30

The Pablo show has just entered it's 30th season, and we here at Entertainment Weekly España sat down with the headwriter for our annual conversation. We know it's a few days late, but there's a good reason.

EWEspaña: 30 years. Wow.

Headwriter: Shutup.

EWE: I mean, congratulations wow.

Headwriter: Okay, better. Thanks.

EWE: You're welcome. So first of all, last year, we were celebrating a 5-0 Barça win. This year, we have a 3-1 win to celebrate.

Headwriter: I know. Collonut, as they say in Barcelona.

EWE: In the 29th season, we saw Pablo meet one of his major life goals, visiting all 17 Comunidades Autónomas of Spain by hitting 15 Murcia, 16 Extremadura and 17 Asturias. Congratulations. Do you have any holidays planned this year?

HW: Back home to Valencia for a quick visit next week, then to Catalunya, specifically Girona and Barcelona for New Year's Eve. There might be a trip to Ibiza in January. Now that we have the Comunidades down, the new goal is the provincias, so lots of weekend trips we hope. We are also hoping for a return to Italy and Portugal, and trips to Morocco, Ireland and Greece.

EWE: Catalunya's for sure, right? At least Pablo will get to travel a bit out of Spain for once.

HW: Oh someone is just courting Catalan viewership for us, thanks for that!

EWE: We try. Now, why the hell did you move the main character back to Madrid when he was really starting to come into his own in Valencia? Viewers were hoping for a master in Barcelona.

HW: The puta crisis de mierda. No other option. We hope to do the máster this season.

EWE: Once upon a time, we always heard the same line from the Will and Grace writers. When the hell are you going to cast a boyfriend?

HW: We are always looking at potential boyfriends, but casting is extremely hard. It's hard to find someone with the right chemistry. After finally getting over his crush on Spanish C, he's slowly starting to open up his heart again. But to whom? This is a theme we hope to explore this season.

EWE: What else is in store?

HW: We are hoping to return to the States for the summer after a sweeps stunt walk on the Camino de Santiago. The more we say this, the more it will come true.

EWE: One of the biggest surprises in Season 29 was the gym, specifically Body Combat. How did that come about?

HW: Pablo has a fascination with the Federico Moccia books. When Step (Not H, silly movie!) joins the gym, Pablo was inspired. He found the gym helps out with anxiety and depression, so he keeps going. Body Combat was suggested, and he ended up loving it.

EWE: Fascinating. And any plans on that novel?

HW: More work on the novel...working on getting the first published. A poc a poc. Hey, Pablo did learn catalán/valenciano as promised! Xé que bo!

EWE: Xé que bo indeed. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Anything else you'd like to add?

HW: Beyonce is responsible for the Partido Popular winning.

EWE: Every show has to have a villain.

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