Three lists I plan on making: The current Farewell Café Tour 2013, List of Places that Had a Positive Influence on my Time in Madrid, and Top 10 List of Things I Am Looking Forward to in Euskadi.
For those of you who didn't know, I was only able to have my job in Madrid for two years due to stupid Madrid law. While I'm excited to get out of Madrid, which is not a fit for me at all, I'm super excited to go to a brand new city (Bilbao) that I love. I think the city will be a fit for me, and I hope my job is as well of a fit as my schools in Valencia and Madrid were.
Some of these cafés I have never been to. Some of them I frequent a lot and wanted to go to one last time. But these are some of the coolest cafes in Madrid.
Sunday, 21 July 2013: Agur, Casa Mono.

Monday, 22 July 2013: Agur, Café Escalón. I'm not really a fan of the recent makeover, but before they had good tostada con tomate with free orange juice.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013: Agur, El Bombo: On the way to the metro for my daily commute and open, it was convenience. I had to go just to get my mayorship back on FourSquare.

To Come: Agurs to Café Mur, my Spanish Common Grounds,

Café do Nuno

Café Mama Inés: A Café near Chueca mentioned in the latest John Irving novel.

Café de la Luz:

and to have café on the terrace of Parque de Oeste
and the top floor of El Corte Inglés in Callao.

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